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Mister Ben's Original Ear Wipes with Aloe for Dogs – Soothing and Non-Irritating Extra Large Disposable Ear Wipes for Dogs. 100 wipes with a FREE eBook on Dog Ear Health. Clean & Soothe. It's AMAZING! Yes... It's THAT good. Cleaning your dog's ears can be a real challenge! Most wipes are small, expensive, and ineffective. That is NOT the case with Mister Ben's Ear Wipes with Aloe for Dogs!


  • Mister Ben's Original Ear Wipes with Aloe are among the most effective wipes for cleaning your dog's ears, eliminating dirt, gunk, smelly odors, and ear itching.
  • Mister Ben's fights the four root causes of dog ear issues: odors, pain, irritation, and otitis.
  • Our Best Ear Wipes are made with high-quality ingredients, including effective antiseptics and antifungals such as MULLEIN, OREGON GRAPE ROOT, GINKGO, MARSHMALLOW ROOT, and SPEARMINT EXTRACT!
  • Infused with 100% organic cold-pressed aloe, our wipes are gentle yet powerful in maintaining your dog's ear health.
  • Our unique formula has been trusted for decades as an ear mite treatment and provides FAST results.
  • Perfect for long-term use! We are leaders in ear care for dogs of all breeds and take our ear products very seriously.
  • With every purchase, you'll receive a FREE eBook on Dog Ear Health

Ear Wipes

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 215 reviews
SKU: mb-wipes
  • Important Note: Always consult your veterinarian before using any over-the-counter product for your pet's ears, especially if you notice any signs of irritation, infection, or open wounds. Do not use these products if your pet has a ruptured eardrum.

    Using the Wipes

    • For Maintenance: Wipes are great for cleaning the outer ear and flaps.
    • How to Use:
      • Wipe your dog’s inner flaps and the outer part of the ear canal as needed.
      • You can also squeeze a wipe to release liquid into the ear canal if needed.


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
Based on 215 reviews
215 reviews

  • CustomerJul 17, 2018
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Awesome stuff!

    My English bulldog had an ear infection that was not clearing up. This breed is susceptible to ear infections and yeast infections in the folds in their faces, and I have found that coconut oil clears things up normally. Only this ear infection was becoming chronic, so I took my dog to the vet, and he was given an injection of antibiotic and ear drops to use for 14days. I religiously used the drops as prescribed by the vet for the 14 days, and it had not improved at all! So since there were still drops left in the bottle, I decided to continue using them until they were completely gone. Still no improvement in his ear. Since he is a senior dog now I was beginning to worry that he had some immune system issues starting to develop, but before I took him back to the vet, I decided to look on amazon and see if they had something with good reviews.When I read about Mister Ben's and the positive reviews it got, I decided to give it a try before spending hundreds of dollars on blood work at the vets.I received the product very quickly, and I kid you not, my dogs ears cleared up after only two applications!!!!The black gunk in his ear that I was cleaning out daily, just dried up like a healing scab over the infected area, and when it was no longer angry red underneath, I gently took some warm water and removed the scabbing and underneath was beautiful pink skin! I thought for sure that I was going to have to go through the whole bottle like I did with the drops from the vet, but just two applications was all it took.I now have an almost full bottle left if he ever comes down with this again, and I also have a shih tzu and will be using it if she ever develops ear problems!I remember one reviewer complaining that it caused her dog pain, as it has alcohol as one of the ingredients and her poor baby cried and cried after she applied it to her dog!Well, first of all, no one likes to see their fur babies in pain, but they are suffering already with an ear infection!Sometimes we humans have to put peroxide or alcohol based medications on our own wounds and it stings!I would rather that he endured two applications that stung a little than the months and months it took this infection to clear up with the treatment that I was giving him and then the vet!I was extremely pleased with the results and how quickly it healed up the ear infection.Also I am happy to report that since it took me awhile to write my review, the infection has not come back!I highly recommend Mister Ben's products and I got no promos or freebies for giving this review! I was just a desperate dog owner trying to find something that would help my dogs chronic ear infection, and Mister Ben's was it!

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  • SaraJan 10, 2021
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Please get this for you dog if he/she has ear problems! Results are quick

    Update: I just ordered a second round of this product May 2021 (I still have some remaining from my order in January). My dog has not had an ear infection since I started using it, and it helps manage her condition. I had an ear cytology run at the vet last month to verify. She still produces ear wax/discharge, but as long as I use these a few times a week, it doesn't develop into an infection and the flaky skin and resulting fur loss has stopped.From Jan 2021: It has only been a few days, but I am more impressed with this then numerous other products I have tried. I took in a neglected heartworm positive adult dog. I did the treatment and mention it because a compromised immune system is a factor. Two vets, prescription ear meds, diet changes/prescription diets, an allergy specialist (supposedly one of the original allergy specialist Detriot , MI area), pre and pro-biotics, high quality fish oil...and still ongoing ear issues. She went through multiple rounds of prescribed antibiotic (Otic___) that worked temporarily only to have the brownish discharge, yeast, and flakes come back. Then she was diagnosed with Sebaceous Adenitis after multiple biopsies; it's isolated to her ears. The allergist/skin specialist's prescribed regimen helped, but still ongoing discharge...To anyone with dogs with ear issues I highly recommend trying this. From everything I have read, bacteria can become resistant to the prescribed antibiotics. It made no sense to me why the vet kept prescribing the same product which is why I got a second opinion from another vet then went to a specialist....none of them mentioned this product.The bottle clearly states to not use if your dog has any broken/damaged skin...just saying because of one of the negative reviews. This is simple ingredients and if you have ever accidentally gotten witch-hazel on a cut then you know why you need to make sure there aren't cuts/open skin before using.

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  • TerryAug 11, 2022
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    I could CRY!!!!!!

    Our sweet elderly girl Scarlett has had a rough run with yeast/ear infections. We live in TN and the vet said the humidity here makes it nearly impossible to get rid of. We have been there so many different medications as well as putting her under anesthesia to have her ears deeper cleaned and packed. It's been horrible. Every with the medication and small procedure from the vet it never has gotten rid of it. She always has black thick smelly goop coming out of her ears and between the shaking and scratching and swelling it's been a nightmare. I have felt so bad for her and by chance came across this on Amazon and thought I need to try this the reviews were good. $16 after what all I have spent over the last 4 years was nothing compared to all the vet expense I have had. I didn't get to excited because nothing has ever ever worked. Well it's day 8 and wow just amazing. First time ever her ears are looking clean and the swelling is going down. I have followed instructions exact. I do know it was uncomfortable for her at first but let's be real so is this yeast infection in her ears and the outcome will be worth it. I give her a Benadryl about 15 mins before and then put the drops in and let her sleep afterwards. I would say it's a 85% difference already and this is huge! I can't imagine another week!! I say it will be completely gone!! I'm so excited and happy I could cry!! My poor girl has put up with this for so long and 3 different vets couldn't fix it but this $16 bottle of ear tonic is our saving grace!!! BUY IT!!! I wish I would have done a before and after pic, it's that incredible I still can't believe this has worked! The swelling has went down so much she can hear me so good now!! Thank you to the genius that came up with this concoction!!

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  • A. ElenbaasMay 03, 2022
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Use in sun

    For years now my Yorkshire Terrier has had one ear that's been waxy, brown, smelly and a problem. I' taken her to the vet three times and they never see anything wrong and it cost me a lot of money. When I started using Mister Bens a couple years ago it was great at cleaning the ear but this latest time I started letting it heat up in the sun or put it in a bowl and run hot water on it for five minutes. I would sit out on the porch and let her warm up in the sunshine on my lap and then I would use the tonic and massage the ear. I always dried it and looked inside to see anything that needs to be wiped away but this time I saw a big clump lodged in there so I grabbed the tweezer and I carefully reached in and grabbed the clump and pulled it out. Because I let her heat up in the sunshine and used the solution warm I believe that it made this clump of hardened wax malleable enough to be brought out of the canal but I truly believe this was stuck in her ear for years causing irritation. Since the day I got it out last week there has been no odor, no wax and no sound when she shakes her head. Best of all she's very happy and lively again.

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  • Angela R.Mar 29, 2021
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Exceeded my expectations

    I have a 9 year old St. Bernard that suffers from constant ear problems. I have brought her to the vet on numerous occasions and received drops which does help but the problem always returns and she runs from you the second she sees you pull the drops out. Her ears are constantly red, she's endlessly shaking her head and rubbing her ears in the snow and on the furniture. So I thought I would give these wipes a try. I will say that xxl large is a stretch in the size and they are a little hard to separate but those small issues are minor compared to the results I have received. After only 2 applications I have noticed a difference in her ears. They are not as red, her head shaking/rubbing has decreased by about 90% and she doesn't run when I pull these wipes out, she seems to welcome the cleaning. I fold each wipe over so 1 wipe does both ears and I use them every 3 or 4 days to clean her ears out. I have been using these wipes for about 3 weeks now and will definitely continue. If your dog constantly suffers from ear problems, give these wipes a try, for us it was well worth it.

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